ANUL VII. 2001
altera 16
Editorial - 3
Lewis Purser
The Bilingual University — Consideration Regarding its Origin,
Mission and Functioning - 5
Bilingual universities are the results of different
linguistical traditions and contexts,
the author of the study affirms; the origins of bilingual universities are
mostly political, but
one cannot neglect their social reason to exist. Their mission is closely con-
nected to the social situation and needs of the region in which they are. The
ence, organised by UNESCO-CEPES, held in Bucharest, between 16-17 of March
2000, on this subject is a promising start. The author of this study is
analyzing the
institutional case studies presented at this
conference, goes over the history of several
bilingual universities around the world, and among the missions assumed
by these
mentions: to promote both participation,
coherence, a broader perspective for the
university and its students, and to promote bilingualism more as an objective
then a
condition and to encourage the students to remain in the region. The
analyse in-
cludes, also, the functioning of this type
of universities, as some financial aspects of it.
In conclusion, Lewis Purser
underlines that the academic basis of a bilingual univer-
sity has to be as solid as any other university and its activities has
to be as excellent
as elsewhere.
Languages as Foreign Languages:
an Organizational
and Didactical Provocation of the Bilingual
Education - 17
From 1848 Switzerland became a federal state with three
official languages German,
French and Italian; from 1938 the fourth official language became the Romansh.
city of
Freiburg/Fribourg from its foundation has been bilingual in the presence of German and
French cultures. In this framework the author describes the structure of
University of Freiburg/Fribourg (founded in 1889), the percentage of students
ing in different languages and the structure of the curriculum. Michael
concludes: by multilingual education the professional chances are
higher; the com-
petencies in more languages are very strong arguments in professional career;
contributes to the promotion of the intercultural dialogue; the
competencies in more
languages are useful in understanding the technical and professional
written in
other languages.
in Canadian Higher Education.
The Case of the University of Ottawa - 29
The University of Ottawa has a very distinctive characteristic: it is
bilingual. This
makes it a truly unique institution, one which takes pride in describing itself
as a
reflection of Canada, where cultural diversity and bilingualism (French
and English) are governmental policy and have constitutional protection. Clearly
the Uni-
versity of Ottawa is not unique in promoting cultural diversity: all Canadian
universities do. Nor is it the only bilingual university in Canada: Laurentian University,
located in Northern Ontario, is also officially bilingual, and York University, in Toronto, includes a bilingual component, called Glendon College. The University of
Ottawa is unique however, in that it predates Canada as a Confederation
(1867) and
thus was bilingual before French and English became Canada’s official languages.
It is today the largest bilingual university in North America, the only
one large enough to offer,
to both linguistic groups, the vast array of programs.
Case Study of the
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy - 49
The Province of South Tyrol, situated in the northern part of Italy, is being proud of
the existence of an unique university, which reflects and adapts itself to the
ethnic configuration of this area: a trilingual region, of which mother
tongues are German,
Italian and Romansh (spoken by 4% of the population). The aim of the Free
University of Bozen/Bolzano, founded in 1997 (its programs has been launched
in 1998) is to offer for the students a multilingual education based on practice,
in order to be able to respond to the needs of the local and European labour-market.
The author starts with presenting the geographical and historical context of South
Tyrol and the first steps taken by this university. After, the linguistical models
and faculties are enumerated, the proceedings of admission and conditions of studying and
graduation both in the case of compulsory bilingualism and in compulsory
trilingualism (regarding the Romansh model). The Lingusitical Centre holds the key
position in >the framework of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, so necessary for
the improvement of linguistical capacities of the students through the broad offer
of language courses.
At the end of her case study, dr. Sandra Campisi concludes that there are
chances for this model to prosper in a world, where the knowledge of
languages, and
not only of the English language, but of the widely spoken languages,
has a vital
for success, mostly in the economical field.
Higher Education in
a Bilingual State: the Case of Finland - 61
Concentrating on the case of the University Åbo Akademi,
a higher education
institute of Swedish language in the bilingual Finland, this article underlines
the problems of higher education institutes functioning in two or three
in a state where 11% of the population speaks Swedish and 89% speaks
and a big part of the population is bilingual. The author describes the
of Finland as a constitutionally bilingual state, its monolingual and bilingual
universities and their mission in the field of minorities. It is being
presented the
administrative structure of the University Åbo Akademi, the requested
abilities and the curriculum in this multilingual environment. As a
Olle Anckar shows: the best solution for a linguistic group is to
benefit from an
university, if this is possible politically and economically, especially in
moments of financial austerity.
and Minorities — Ten Years After - 71
After more than a decade from the events of December
1989, the Intercultural
Centre of the Pro Europa League, had organised in Cluj, a debate in the framework of the traditional Intercultural Forums (being at its 8th
edition), dedicated to the retrospection on the national minorities’ situation in Romania
and to the
relation between minorities and the majority. At the debate had participated
the representatives of national minorities’ organisations, of the state
institutions, of
local authorities, of non-governmental organisations, political analists, massmedia, students; most of them very well-known due to their assiduous
activity to
educate the majority population to respect the rights of all kinds of
minorities, to
change the deeply rooted mentalities, prejudices etc. The conference has been a
good occasion to go over the successes and insuccesses and establishing the objectives for further activities. It could be concluded: everyone is
speaking about a united, federal Europe, basically different from the one during
the period of inter-state wars, but from the whole East-Central European
political debate it could be felt a stuffy air of the 19 century. It has to be
transplanted the seed from which will rise the pragmatic mentality of the 21 century.
This was the aim of
these type of debates.
The Hungarian
Status Law - 109
On 19 of June the National Assembly of Hungary passed a ”Status Law”, or, as it is now being called, a Benefits Law, by an overwhelming majority of 92
percent. The law that will become effective as of 1 January sets out a framework for
granting wide-
ranging cultural, social, and employment rights in Hungary to ethnic Hungarians from Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Ukraine, and Slovakia.
Persons who
want to receive these benefits must sign a written declaration claiming
Hungarian identity. The law stipulates that on the recommendation by ethnic
Hungarian organizations in the relevant countries, the Hungarian authorities will issue
a Hungarian identity card to successful applicants. There are also clauses in the
law that stipulate
financial support in these countries for the establishment, maintenance, and
development of institutions and accredited bodies of higher education that guarantee
Horváth & Marius Lazăr
Dynamics of the Inter-ethnic Relations in the Last Decade - 120
The case study is dedicated to the evolution of the
interethnic relations, especially between the Romanian majority and the Hungarian minority, due to the
fact that the integration of the ethno-cultural diversity has been (and in many
aspects remains) one of the difficulties of the Romanian democratization process. The
difficulties faced
during the last decade, analysed by the authors, are mostly connected to the
mentality of the ceauşist national-communism still very present after 1989; to
the instrumentation (extended sometimes to paroxysm) of nationalism in the Romanian
politics. The results of several public opinion polls are being presented
regarding the minority-majority relations. István Horváth and Marius Lazăr complains the
lack of seriousness and professionalism of some of the public opinion polls, also
the absence of
conclusions which could lead to some measures to be taken in order to deal with
the sensitive issue of interpersonal relations which has created, for
several times, tensions and also led to conflicts. The conclusion of the researchers
states that the pronounced presence of the ethnicist discourse in public debates and
even used by
parties considered democratic (do not speak about the frenzied chauvinist
rethoric of the extremist ones) do not has a major impact on the population. One
cannot speak, at the level of majority, about the rejection, in generally, of the
Hungarians; there is a segment of the population with negative attitudes regarding the
Hungarians, but also an approximately equal segment of those who relates with political
and democratic
maturity to the issue of minorities.
1333 (1997)
on the Aromanian
Language and Culture - 139
Populations, New Initiatives:
Aromanians in the
Attention of the Council of Europe - 141
In the last years the fate of the small number groups
with distinctive linguistical
and cultural characteristics, eventually with a different religious affiliation
than the majority population of the country they are living in, ignored until
now, starts to preoccupy the Council of Europe, more and more convinced that
multiculturalism is one of the riches of the society which should be preserved by it
being a factor of
internal and regional stability and by this, a factor of progress. In this
respect, the General Assembly discussed and adopted in its meeting in June 24, 1997
the Recommendation 1333 on the Aromanian Language and Culture. The comment by Renate Weber follows the procedures of the Council of Europe, the
reactions rousen, the positive and negative attitude of certain states, insisting on the
strongly negative attitude of Greece. Also, there are presented and commented the
provisions of
the Recommendation and the perspectives of its application. A success can be considered the recognition of the existence of these populations, but
remains a
deeply sad message regarding the lack of the necessary funds for putting into practice
of the provisions of the Recommendation.
a Language Searching for the Future - 147
Breton is a Celtic language. It is part of that language
family which, after being extended on a broad region of the continent, nowadays are in the
situation of being isolated in the North-Western part of Europe, with the exception of
some minor ”colonies” in Canada and Argentina. Besides grammar, the Celtic languages
have other common characteristics: after being favorable elements of splendid
civilizations, fully part of the European cultural heritage, they became, through the
centuries, the target of destroying and assimilating politics. Only today the course of
history is changed and it is a need for a new grass-root movement of selfidentification.
In Ireland, Scotland and Wales the situation seems to be better The future of the Breton
seems to be gloomy if the will of the French state to destroy it will not
weaken and if the most
basic cultural rights of the Breton speaking population are not being recog-
nized. In the defense of this language, Per Denez resorts to history,
enumerates the positive and negative moments regarding the Breton language, presents
the spiritual
richness of Breton literature, music, theatre (orally and written) and shows
the obstacles in the way of development, the present situation of the language and its
speakers, but also the forms of cultural demands, institutions created by the
Breton population in order to save what could be save from the cultural and spiritual
Free in Faith - 170
The attempts of exaggerating the doctrinaire
misunderstandings and the burden of an often bloody history, are numerous and as old as the breach between
the churches. But the recent progress of theology as well as the concern for the
ecumenical dialogue finally led to the signature in October 31, 1999 in Augsburg, of a Common
Declaration regarding justification between the World Federation of
Lutherans and the Catholic Church. Which is the difficulty and importance of signing
of this agreement? Which is its significance, generally, for the future of the Church
and for theecumenical relations between the different religions and churches. This
Karl Lehmann says, is fundamental but not total. A
consensus has been reached
regarding the fundamental truths of the justification doctrine, but not
regarding the
ensemble of the Christian theology This agreement stresses a hermeneutical
lem: none of the Churches, Lutheran or Catholic, does not succeed to draft the
in an adequate manner Unity does not mean uniformity: the two churches
remain in
their differences, but their fundamental is being brilliantly reaffirmed. The
communion is expressed, in this case, thanks to a differentiated consensus. The last
Karl Lehmann shows, remains the pastoral application of this agreement.
Smaranda Enache
An Academic Pact or Multiculturalism “for Real”? - 178
In the spirit of the main topic to which this issue of
Altera has been dedicated —
multicultural universities — the article analyses the delicate problem of the
Bolyai University, which, during its history of less than a century, has been
sively amputated, renamed, displaced, sacrificed to the will of certain
politicians and
authoritative leaderships, became an object of double frustration, both
for Romani-
ans and Hungarians. After roughly going through of its turmoiled
history, the author
shows, that disregarding the political interference and tendentiousness
in the aca-
demic society from Cluj, we are facing several possible options to
solve the historical problem,
resumed as the following: 1) reestablishing the Hungarian monolingual
university separated from the body of the actual Babeş-Bolyai
University, solution
widely promoted by the Hungarian academic society; 2) establishing an
Hungarian section in the framework of the Babeş-Bolyai University; 3)
the multicultural
university, which is being at this moment the option of the Romanian
liberal academic
society, due to the openness, tenaciousness and professionalism of the
former rector
Andrei Marga. All of these three alternatives are analyzed presenting
their advantages and disadvantages. As a term of comparison the University of
Fribourg (Switzerland) is being shortly presented. Smaranda Enache concludes by expressing
hope that the university democracy, regardless of the adopted solution,
will not be
less, but
more than the civic democracy.
Euro-Romanians’ Denomination - 183
István Haller
1990: Hungarian for Three Days... - 188